Below are courses I have taken, along with a brief description, in order to complete my Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) degree.
FALL 2014
Instructor: Dr. Amy Parks
This course was taken during my fifth year internship at Michigan State University (MSU). The focus of this course was math. We explored math teaching strategies, grouping ideas, and collaborated with one another on various in-class projects. We reflected on our teaching practices and lesson plans regularly.
Instructor: Lynne Watanabe
This course was taken during my fifth year internship at MSU. In this course, we focused on literacy teaching practices. We dove into learning about the ways that literacy is integrated throughout all subjects, differentiating literacy instruction for all learners, and reflecting on our understanding of literacy. We worked through three different inquiries and pulled our field experience into our learning as educators.
Instructor: Soo Bin Jang
With a focus on social studies, this fifth year intership course dug into ways of integrating social studies with other topics. We worked with one another in a classroom setting to create a social studies unit. We also learned how to differentiate the social studies curriculum to meet the needs of all students. This course also required a lot of reflecting on what went well, and what we could work on, with our units in field experiences.
Instructor: Andrea Varricchione
This course focused on teaching science in the elementary classroom, and was a part of my fifth year internship. In this course, we explored various science concepts and teaching practices. We created a unit plan, which included the Experiences, Patterns and Explanation (EPE) framework of science exploration. With our classmates, we also reflected on how our science teaching went after we implemented our unit plan into our field experiences.
Instructors: Mary Wever and Chris Seals
This course laid the groundwork of my learning of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), which has been prevalent in the rest my MAET courses. In this course, we explored using technology as a tool and ways to integrate it into our teaching practices. We were also given the opportunity to try something we had never done before through internet research. With this project, I created industrial pipe shelves from reading blogs and watching videos on YouTube.
Instructors: Mary Wever and Chris Seals
My maker mindset was born and then grown in this course. We were given many opportunities to be makers ourselves, ways to bring the maker movement into our own classrooms, and the affordances of allowing our students to be makers. One of the big projects in this course was planning and running a Maker Faire for the community with my classmates.
Instructors: Mary Wever and Chris Seals
This course opened up the dialogue and discussion of "Wicked Problems" in education. We took a look at some of the big problems in education that do not have an answer. My classmates and I researched to find possible solutions to some of these wicked problems, my group specifically digging into learning from failure. We also explored ways that technology could potentially aid in solving some of education's toughest problems.
Instructors: Dave Goodrich and
Brittany Dillman
This course explored the concepts related to TPACK much deeper. We discussed the ways that technology impacts our learning and the developmental stages of children. We learned more about Piaget's Stages of Development and were even given the opportunity to try some Piaget experiments with actual children.
Instructors: Dave Goodrich and
Brittany Dillman
In this course, we deepened our knowledge of education and technology and ways to bring what we know back to our own school environments. Our big project in this course was creating a video describing three main points of a topic, three implications to bring back to the classroom in under three minutes. I learned more about the topic of creativity, failure, and its importance in a classroom setting.
Instructors: Dave Goodrich and
Brittany Dillman
This course taught us more about research in education. We unpacked the book "When Can You Trust the Experts?" by Daniel Willingham, and learned what things to be skeptical of when it comes to research in education. We were given the opportunity to do some research of our own in order to write a comprehensive research paper.
FALL 2018
Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Sarah Keenan-Lechel, Aric Gaunt, and Sukanya Moudgalya
This was the culminating course of my MAET degree. We were given many opportunities to reflect on ourselves as students and as teachers. We also revisited some of our former goals in order to revise and add on to them. In order to complete these tasks, we created an online portfolio to make our learning visible.